and to let nothing get in the way of a good meme
On a mission from God to bring delightful products into this sinful world
Meet the non-agency
(three blokes are working on apps properly in harmony)
(Oscar's Appearance to the Manager)
(The third folk, Anton, did not go to his manager.)
We sweat solutions.
London-born /
remote by design /
on a mission from God
33 Colless Road London, United Kingdom
 N154 NR
Quorum IO Limited
Once upon a time, not long ago, three blokes worked for an app development agency. They loved creating products from scratch. In their respective fields, each saw how customers could be better served.
The first folk, Oscar, went to his manager, bowed his head and said "oh, ancient one. I thought long and I thought hard and here is how we can serve our customers better."
The manager said the feedback is good but it will not see the light of day because the agency has other priorities.
The second folk, Arthur, went to his manager and said "oh wise one, here is how we can better delight our customer." The manager thanked Arthur for his initiative and agreed that the ideas are good. "Unfortunately, the agency has other priorities."
"Friends of mine!," he said again, "Let us take up our own yoke and plow our own land. Let us create a non-agency. A collaborative of engineers and designers, of dev-ops and data scientists. And let us do right by our customers. And let us offer non-custom solutions if such exist. And let us not exceed budgets. And let our customers' delight be a beacon by which our progress we shall measure. And let us be a beacon in the dark for all souls weary of outsourcing. And let us sleep soundly at night, for our consciences will be clean."
Once upon a time, not long ago, three folks worked for an app development agency. They loved creating products from scratch but hated seeing revenue prioritized over customer goals and experience. They thought they could do better and that's how Quorum was born.
"Aye," said Oscar. "Aye," said Arthur.
TL;DR + Our Happy Faces
UI/UX Design
DevOps & Engineering